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Contribitors - London Bubble

We are helping to develope, provide and promote the calendar of events, attractions and activities as part of the Mayflower 400 programme in London.

Are you interested in local history? Do you have a story of migration to share?  We are looking for volunteers to help us explore the history and contemporary resonances of the Mayflower, and share it with the wider community in North Southwark.

In 1620 a group of people left England to start a new life across the Atlantic. Many were persecuted for their radical beliefs and forced to plan a perilous sea journey to a new land. 2020 marks the 400th anniversary of the departure of the Mayflower from the river’s edge in Rotherhithe.

The anniversary will be commemorated nationally and internationally, and London Bubble is launching a community inquiry into the story and how it resonates today. We want to find out about the life and times of the passengers on board the Mayflower. Why did they leave? How did they travel? And how does this history relate to current stories of migration?
We want to gather a wide a wide range of stories, objects, facts and testimonies, past and present. This will shape public workshops and events, and will culminate in a large scale performance in 2020s.

Would you like to help?  Visit our website for more details.

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